Dear all,

Last year , Under the leadership of Ms Chan and 15 former head prefects, reforms were carried out.
There were new grouping of prefects, stricter rules,entertaining activities for prefects, etc. The reform
was a great success. The images of prefects become more positive.

This year, Mr Chow and we will continue the job. We have the same goal as last year 。X try all our
best to build a loyal, self-discipline, courageous and impartial prefect team. With courage and determination,
we believe that we can face all kinds of hardship and get your generous support.

Most importantly, we hope to see our team members to be enthusiastic about their work.
Prefects are not just somebody standing outside teachers' staff rooms and walking along the corridor.

We, Prefects are serving the school, maintaining the orders of school and helping the teachers.

We truly hope that all the prefects do try their best to achieve their goal and enjoy their work.

Finally, we wish all prefects could Take prefect team as their joy,
Take prefect team as their family, Take prefect team as their honour.

a msg from 15 05-06 head prefects