Glass Etching

Science Society have held an activity ‘Glass Etching’ successfully. We have taught students how to decorate glass using special chemicals and machines. Details are as follows:

Date: 20/05/2014
Time: 15:45 to 17:00
Venue: 5/F Integrated Science Laboratory
Fee: Free for Members, $10 for Non-members
Note: Members and non-members are welcomed.

Eggs Throwing Competition

Science Society have held an activity ‘Eggs Throwing Competition’ successfully. Students learnt how to throw eggs wrapped with some materials to the ground in order to prevent cracking.  Details are as follows:

Date: 14/05/2014
Time: 15:45 to 17:00
Venue: Rear Playground
Fee: Free
Note: Members and non-members are welcomed.

Second AGM

Science Society have held an activity ‘Second AGM’ successfully. We have introduced the activities held in the second term of the academic year of 2013-2014, and encouraged students to join Eggs Throwing Competition. Details are as follows:

Date: 28/04/2014
Time: 13:45 to 14:00
Venue: G/F Lecture Theatre
Note: All Members need to attend the meeting.

Mini-calculator Construct Workshop

Computer Society & Science Society have held an activity ‘Mini-calculator Construct Workshop’ successfully. We have taught students how to make a simple calculators which can calculate A+B with a simple circuit. Details are as follows:

Date: 11/12/2013
Time: 15:45 to 17:00
Venue: 4/F Physics Laboratory
Fee: Free
Note: Members and non-members are welcomed.

First AGM

First AGM has been completed at lunchtime on 30 Sep 2013. If you did not attend the AGM and pay for membership fee, don’t worry. Membership fee and Reply Slips will be collected by committee members later.